When I Hit Rock Bottom..

Post Date: October 29th, 2013

19  years ago, emotionally I hit rock bottom.

On the outside, I looked like I had it all: success, the lifestyle, a great relationship, friends,….but inside I felt like I was dying.



What I did not know in my mind, but that my body wisely knew, was that I was pushing myself to the edge of burnout. I was working a lot and not always taking the best care of myself. I was also not taking time for the people and things that mattered most to me.


What I didn’t realize then, was that the process of pushing myself into overdrive, was an unconscious avoidance of facing my fears – fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of not being able to fulfill my mission, fear of not getting everything done “just right.”


All these fears were actually a result of things that had happened in my history that were now showing up in my present. In my avoidance of facing my past, I put myself into burnout.





The thing about burnout is, it makes you feel like you’re all alone. Like you have to do it all yourself and you don’t have the support you need. Then three things happen:

1.    When you feel isolated you tend to feel even MORE stressed out.


2.    Because you are pushing yourself so hard to get everything done, when you are unable inevitably unable to complete all of the things on your endless list of to dos, then shame begins to set in.


3.    And when there is shame, there is a tendency to go into more avoidance and disconnection of the body.




So in order to breakthrough the cycles of burnout, you must address these underlying issues that are propelling burnout forward in your life time and time again.  

And this is so essential because so many people don’t see their body as part of the solution to changing the way they operate and experience the world.

That’s why I’m offering a complimentary resource just for you about how you can finally rid burnout for good and it’s called:

How to Stop Burnout From Sucking The Life Out of You & Revive Your Energy, Passion and Bank Account.”

It’s a FREE tele-seminar happening on

November 12th at 3:00 pm EST


I will show you firsthand how you can stop the burnout starting NOW (and you'll have a chance to have all your questions answered AND a copy of the recording!).


To take advantage of this limited time call just visit  http://www.intouchinlife.com/stopburnout/ for the details.

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