I Used to Be a Raging Perfectionist..
I used to be a raging perfectionist.. and I mean, I had it bad. I wanted everything to be “perfect” down to the tee: spending hours on end over every little detail!
The thing about perfectionism is that when you try to make everything “perfect all the time” then you will quickly find that you will begin to feel burned out before long, because you are spending all of your energy on making everything “just right.”
The irony of perfectionism (and the inevitable burnout that quickly follows) is that while perfectionism is fueled by an intense drive to succeed, it can be the very thing that stops us in our tracks when it comes to actually achieving our goals. Beneath perfectionism there is a host of fears: fear of failure, a fear of not being good enough and often a fear of disapproval of others.
It is these fears that MUST be addressed in order to truly break the patterns of perfectionism, “workaholism” and burnout for good.
And because I see this happen time and time again with the clients I work with every day (and I know because I’ve been there myself!) I decided to offer a call that addresses the biggest in-your-face obstacle that perfectionists are facing: burnout.
How to Stop Burnout From Sucking The Life Out of You
& Revive Your Energy, Passion & Bank Account
Wednesday, November 13th at 2:00 pm EST
(recording will be available)
To Register Visit:
I will be talking a bit about the fears that are keeping you in burnout and how this shows up in your body. The same fears that have you believing that you “have to” overwork to succeed, and that you can’t have the health, relationships AND success you want without being sacrificing your wants and needs.
So please join me on THIS WEDNESDAY for this LIVE call (there will be a fun, interactive Q&A portion at the end of the call). If you can’t make it live, that’s ok, just register above and I’ll send you a copy of the recording afterwards.
If you have already signed up for this call, and you know that you have some friends or family with "perfectionist" tendencies (and since we attract those like us, I'm guessing you do), then please pass along this email to them! Even if you can't make it live, I will still send you a recording of the call when you register.
You Matter & You Have Value. And it's All About Being In Touch In Life
As a dancer, I see this "perfectionism" and fear showing up in bodies all the time, especially right before big performances. The anxiety of really being seen, fear of failure, wanting to be perfect, or get it right.. time and time again days or hours before a big show shows up as strained muscles, injuries or sickness.. fascinating (and yes, ironic that our perfectionist tendencies claims to make us better, but really only aids us in staying small) ! Looking forward to the call, to see how else you connect the body with perfectionism /fears / burnout.