10 Steps To A Deeper Commitment

Post Date: January 28th, 2014

Are You Really Willing to Commit to Yourself & Your Dreams?  

January is the time that we often make Resolutions around our lives and our health. But this is what often happens…

At first that is a surge of excitement and determination. We start eating well and exercising every day.  Then our ambition wanes and we fall back into our old habit and patterns. Does this sound familiar? Have you ever wondered why this seems to happen over and over again?


Well, changing our old habits isn't always easy, and more than likely, unless you work with a professional to guide you to these changes, you may be missing some crucial steps that can make your resolution a success. Below are what I believes to be the 10 key steps to fully commiting to yourself and your dreams.


Step 1:

Ask yourself, Do I REALLY want to change this habit, pattern, or behavior? Or am I just feeling obligated? If your heart is not truly in it then it is likely that you won't stick with it.



Step 2:

Be clear on WHY you want to change your habit, pattern or behavior. Knowing your WHY, and being connected to it, keeps you focused in moving forward. And remind yourself often WHY it is important to you.



Step 3:

 Make sure to set goals that are realistic and that you can implement into your lifestyle in a way that will work for you. This helps to set yourself up for success.



Step 4:

 Set very SPECIFIC goals and outline the steps you need to do in order to achieve your goals. Make sure that they are broken down into measurable steps. This will help to reinforce your success whenever you are feeling discouraged.



Step 5:

Get out of Perfection mode when it comes to making changes! If you are in perfection mode, you will want to quit early on. But also don't give yourself too much leeway so as not to fall back into old habits.



Step 6:

Plan and prepare for ways to get you back on track when you feel like falling back into your old patterns. Having this kind of plan helps to avoid backsliding, while also acknowledging that you won’t always be perfect.



Step 7:

View the change you want to make as a gift to yourself. And remind yourself often that you deserve what you want and that it is possible.



Step 8:

Have a Success Journal that you write in every day and write about how you have contributed towards your goals and what results you are beginning to see from these choices. This creates evidence that your work is paying off when you want to give up.



Step 9:

Most importantly, ask yourself: "Am I Interested? Or am I committed?"



Step 10:

Get support and help from your peers, an accountability partner, and/or a professional.



Commitment requires action that is measurable. Being interested does not. Where in your life have you been interested but really want to be committed? Your health? Your relationships? Your business? Your playtime?


In my mission to support you in your commitment, I am offering you a FREE GIFT to support you in meeting your goals: 3 complimentary pre-recorded distance healing sessions (valued at $375). Just visit:www.InTouchInLife.com/YourInnerResources


If you are ready to commit to yourself and your dreams, then please give me a call at 336-623-9138 or email me at teresalea@intouchinlife.com to have a conversation on how I can support you.


You and Your Choices Matter. And You Have Value!  And It takes moving from being Interested to instead being Committed to yourself to show up and be fully In Touch In Life.



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