Do You Love Yourself?

Post Date: February 11th, 2014

31 Days to Loving Yourself More Deeply

Love Actually… It's one of my favorite movies… It always reminds me of the many different kinds of love and acts of love that often don't get acknowledged or noticed.


I say this because the last 8-10 weeks have held a lot of challenges and transitions for me in the form of computer and technology systems crashing, family illness, the death of family and friends, not meeting deadlines as committed to due to miscommunication, not receiving communication due to the crashes or the above mentioned. STRESS!!!


And when things go haywire I seem to let myself be put last... Do you do that? If so… then you may not be loving yourself. And in order to give love you have to be able to receive love and love yourself fully.


SO my question to you is… Do you really love yourself? Answer these questions to see if you do.


Do you find yourself:

·         Comparing yourself to others?

·         Over-giving and overworking?

·         Taking responsibility for others … feeling guilty?

·         Staying in unhealthy relationships?

·         Hating your body?

·         Trying to fit into someone else's idea of perfection?


Would you rather:

·         Acknowledge yourself for how beautiful, brilliant and enough you are?

·         Choose to take care of yourself first? and Give Yourself permission to play more?

·         Choose to only have respectful and loving relationships?

·         Love every part of yourself? Even the "imperfect" parts?

·         Allow yourself to be who you really are?

·         Go for what your heart and soul desires, no matter what?


If you answered YES to any of these questions, and want to explore ways to Love Yourself  More I have prepared a list of ways to do that. I did this because most of us get that loving ourselves would be a good idea but most of us have no idea how to actually give ourselves love in the moments we need it most.  BE YOUR BEST FRIEND FIRST and give yourself PERMISSION to do for yourself what you would easily do for another. 


To get your free 31 Days of Loving Yourself guideline that my clients have told me is priceless to them just visit 


It is my way of saying thank you to you for being a part of my life.

And practice doing what I do daily. I have remind myself: Surrender, Surrender, Surrender. Trust that all will come together. I Celebrate the Love that is shown to me in all of the myriad and mysterious ways that it shows up and meet each day with Gratitude. For it is Gratitude that always sustains me and reminds me that Love Actually IS… 


You Matter and You Have Value and It's All About Being In Touch In Life


Teresa Lea

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