Reach Out. Make Connections.
Reach out. Make a Connection. You never know what might happen and whose life might be changed because of it.
Every morning on the way to work, for many years, I have seen a woman walking her dog. Regardless of whether it was raining, sunny, windy snowy, or cold, they were faithful in walking together. And through their actions was obvious how much they loved and cared about each other.
Last week, on my way to work, I noticed her walking alone. I have never spoken to her before, but was compelled to turn around and stop and speak. I introduced myself and I mentioned that I had seen her everyday walking with her dog and asked about him.
She said he had died from rat poison that had been left out by someone else. I expressed my sorrow for her. She said she was just so grateful for the years they had together, that they were good, and best friends and companions.
She also expressed gratitude for me noticing and stopping to connect. We exchanged info and I let her know she could help walk my dogs any time. She liked that idea.
Who knows what Divine Interventions are being played out…
I was reminded of my own Mari, my beloved canine, who has been more close to me in Spirit lately…God, I miss her.. And I am eternally so grateful for the years we had.
Why am I'm sharing this experience with you? Because it reminded me how valuable connections are in life. I was reminded of how important it is to Listen to your Heart. To Reach out. Make a Connection. You never know what might happen and whose life might be changed because of it.
What connections are you making in your life? Do you take advantage of the unlimited possibilities that are presented to you every day? What if you were to take a look at the quality of connections you have right now? What would you find?
Do you want more fulfilling, fun, and loving connections with others? And maybe a deeper connection with yourself? I am here to support you in nurturing and nourishing that connection – the connection with who you really are, so you can experience the feeling of freedom that comes from connecting from the heart.
True Connection creates Freedom. Freedom creates the possibility to be who we really are and celebrate ourselves and each other from that space.
This week, we celebrate our Independence Day in the US. Take time to celebrate who you are. And make Connections from that place as you spend time with family and friends.
Do you want help in Being who you really are? In letting go of the pain that holds you back? To connect more deeply in the relationships that matter to you? Reach out. I am here to assist you in making that happen.
Yes. You Matter Own Your Value. It's all about being In Touch In Life.
Teresa Lea