Heroes, Champions, & Love

Post Date: February 26th, 2015

"Humans are kind of funny. You see, when they have been hurt really deeply they often do one of three things.


1 – They lash out and hurt others.

2 – They lash inward and hurt themselves even more.

3 – They feel the need to rescue those hurting.


The human I’d chosen did both of the latter and I was counting on the third to get us together.


My heart leaped as I felt her driving up the hill. My eyes appealed to her as she slowed down, creeping past me. I was so thirsty and hungry and my body was aching and sore from being dragged along the road behind the truck of the man who had dropped me off in the middle of nowhere. Some humans can be so heartless and cruel. My heart began to sink as she drove on by. I was reaching out as much as I could with the limited energy I had left. She was going on, leaving me behind. What else was I to do? Was it already too late? But then, all of a sudden she stopped and began to slowly back up….

For three days I was patiently waiting for her to really see me, no feel me. It was the feeling that would bring us together. The feeling that would give her that desire to live. I knew it had to happen today or it would be too late for her. And I was not going to let my mission be futile and end in the loss of her life. I had not set myself up to go through those awful experiences only to now lose her. She had to see me. She had to feel me, to feel my pain to give her a reason to live.…"

The above is an Excerpt from my memoir. It is a list of short stories written through one of my greatest hero's eyes and heart. Mari.

Throughout my life, many people have been heroes or champions in their own way to me. They have inspired me to not only be the best I can be but to not compromise myself and instead be true to myself and that which matters to me.

There is one individual in particular, however, that stands out above them all that I am particularly grateful and have the deepest appreciation for. She showed me love in ways I had never experienced before. This individual is not an average person. In fact she is not a person at all. Mari was my dog, my companion, my friend. It was she who:

  • Showed me life was worth living and she gave me a reason to live

  • Reconnected me to the little girl inside of me

  • Let me see I was worthy of love outside of my work

  • Gave me permission to both play and be still

  • Taught me I had worth merely by my existence

  • Showed me what courage was and the value of pushing through pain to get to what really matters on the other side

  • Was the example of continuing to ask for what I need in different ways until I am understood

  • Taught me the importance of close observation and full participation in life

  • Showed me that life was more than about creating safety, that it was also about taking risks and living each moment to the fullest

And it was Mari who gave me permission and voice to own and share my gifts with the world showing others how to go from pain to powerful, to transform trauma to triumph, and to live fully in touch and in life.

How has love shown up in your life?

Who has inspired you?

Who has been your Champion or Hero?

Reach out the them and let them know. And deliver one of the greatest acts of love by sharing your appreciation.

And if you want to Accept, Appreciate, Forgive and Love Yourself in a way that You can KNOW You are Enough. Always. Reach out. I'll show you how.

Yes. You Matter. And Others do too. Own Your Value. Share Appreciation. It's all about You. And it's about being In Touch In Life.

Teresa Lea, BA NCLMBT # 1804

If you found this of value and want to find out about Teresa Lea and her work and  more ways to care for yourself, go to www.InTouchInLife.com  or call 336-623-9138

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