12 Lessons I Learned from my Cats
12 Lessons I learned from my Cats
Did you know that June is National Adopt a Cat Month?
I love cats. Throughout my life, my cats have been great teachers for me. If you’ve been to my office, then you have met my healing assistant, Miss Kitty and know what great lessons she helps me bring.
Here are 12 lessons I’ve learned in my life thanks to my cats
1) Be independent and think for yourself. And be smart enough to know when it is necessary to follow.
2) Be playful, feisty and active every day.
3) Take time to cuddle and relax every day.
4) Bathe often. It is a pleasure and a luxury. And people like you more when you do.
5) Take time every day to observe and appreciate nature.
6) Be willing to entertain and be entertained.
7) Never feel guilty about taking time out for yourself.
8) Ask for attention if you're not receiving enough.
9) Know that you are awesome.
10) Curiosity is a good thing.
11) Enjoy sunshine as often as possible.
12) Give generously.
I encourage you to take these lessons to heart and see how they will change your life. It’s amazing how our animals can be such great teachers if we are only to stop and listen.
And since it's summer and the heat is rising, make sure to take extra special care of them by leaving plenty of water out for them and never leave them in your car. Their lives are precious. And so is yours.
I would love to hear how your animals bring you joy and what important life lessons they have brought to your life. Share your story on my blog here: www.intouchinlife.com/blog
Yes. You & Your Animals Matter. Own Your Value. And Take Good Care of Your Fur Friends. It's All About You. And It's About Being In Touch In Life.
Teresa Lea, BA NCLMBT # 1804
If you found this of value and want to find out about Teresa Lea and her work and more ways to care for yourself, go to www.InTouchInLife.com or call 336-623-9138
I absolutely love this! We have three cats, one dog and 11 chickens. Our cats are very cuddly and love attention, which they get all day ever day! One thing I have learned by watching them, is they stretch a lot every day! We say they are doing their yoga! They will ball up then stretch out! They are an intragal part of our lives and we love them so much!