Interested? or Committed?

Post Date: April 2nd, 2013

Where In Your Life Are You Merely Interested?

One of my mentor's often asks me, "Teresa, are you merely interested or are you committed?" For example, let's take writing and submitting to this blog.

For the last couple of years I have been wanting to write, even came up with great topics in my head. And I sometimes even took the time to write those into a journal or word document. In spite of all of those actions, I was maintaining being interested.  

Taking on this 30 day blog challenge, though, is completely different. It is a commitment. And you will know I am committed because you will see posts showing up to account for every day of April.

Commitment requires action that is measurable. Being interested does not. Where in your life have you been interested but really want to be committed? Your health? Your relationships? Your business? Your playtime?

Please let me know by commenting below. I'd really like to hear your thoughts.

You and Your Choices Matter. And You Have Value!  And It takes moving from being interested to instead being committed to yourself to show up and be fully In Touch In Life.

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One response to “Interested? or Committed?”

  1. Deb says:

    Great question Teresa! We all need to look at how committed we are! Thank you for sharing your message with the world!

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