Are You Avoiding Life?

Post Date: April 5th, 2013

Avoiding Life or Facing Life?



Did you know that memory is created through feelings? Life is experienced through our senses and feelings. And if you shut yourself down to feelings you shut yourself down to life and remembering it. Even something as simple as this. Do you remember what you ate for dinner 2 days ago? How about what you were doing at 6 PM two Saturdays ago?

Here are some ways not being connected to your feelings may show up:

  • If there is not an emotional connection to your experience of life, You may not be remembering as well as you'd like.

  • You may be finding that you aren't as happy and creative as you would like to be.

  • If the emotional experience is extremely high then you may shut down from feeling in order to feel safe.

  • You may find yourself stuck in a particular emotion such as anger, worry, or grief (I know this from experience).

If any of the above are showing up, it is highly likely that you are in avoidance of Life and taking the position that life is happening TO you. And whenever you are in avoidance there is something you're afraid to face. It could be a feeling that you have been having. It could be a experience from the past. It could be somewhere in your life where you don't want to face the truth or where you are not following through on your commitments.

By looking at these areas of your life head on and facing them you have the chance to move out of avoidance and begin to really live your life.

What are you avoiding in your life? Please let me know by commenting below. I'd really like to hear.

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