Accepting Life does NOT mean Giving Up or Giving In

Post Date: April 6th, 2013

You Can Choose to Accept Life or Avoid It


I often hear the phrase "It is what it is." Personally, I do not like this phrase as it often has a sense of giving up. The truth is more stated through "It was what it was." In the same respect, Accepting life is similar.

In yesterday’s blog I talked about moving out of avoidance of life to being able to face life. That is where acceptance comes in. Accepting life, in this case, is about harmonizing with life.  It's about not only facing life situations head on but then integrating what you are facing in a way that creates understanding and the opportunity to choose consciously.


When you accept and face your feelings they no longer have control of your life. You can begin to accept and face what you feel and use the feelings as a discovery tool to know the truth and acknowledge what it is you are missing in or really desiring in your life.


Each feeling has value and a message for you.

When you are in avoidance of feeling, or stuck in a feeling, you put your life on hold and deny yourself the happiness that is available for you.

When working with my clients, I guide them to face their fears of not feeling safe to feel and live through their body. Through gentle and non invasive methods a discovery happens that allows them to reclaim their lives and live purposefully and with passion.

What feelings have you been avoiding and why?

Please let me know by commenting below. I'd really like to hear.

You and Your Choices Matter. And You Have Value!  Face your fears and let yourself feel! It's all about You and it's about being In Touch In Life.

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