A Hole In the Flute, Christ’s Breath, & a Masterpiece
I was reminded today of a short poem called, The Christ's Breath by Hafiz. It simply says:
"I am a hole in a flute
that the Christ's breath moves through-
listen to this music."
The first time I read this poem, I was taken by it. Hafiz does not talk about the craftsmanship, design or make of the flute. Just a flute. I have often seen myself as a common instrument, not unlike this flute, through which Christ's love and peace can breathe. With those words, I sensed a deeper intimacy and interconnectedness of the feeling of what it means, Christ flowing through me – and through me – as a channel.
But today, the day that honors the birth of Christ, when I heard this, I was struck even more deeply. As just a hole, I am an empty space, a place of darkness, seemingly insignificant. Yet without this hole, there would be no music. For it is through the hole that the breath of the Divine, the Master moves, not just the instrument itself. And music cannot be made without it. The hole is required and needed for the Master to make beautiful music.
Flutes have multiple holes. Each hole in the flute creates a different note as the Breath moves through. This creates the music. We are each as different holes in the flute. As the intimate Breath of the Divine is moved through us then music is made. I am just a part of this whole…through which my individual note matters in the whole piece of music that is being created. As does yours…
Hafiz poignantly wraps up this poem by saying, "listen to this music." Not "listen to my music" but "this music" – the Music of the Divine, of the Master, of the breath of Christ – Music that melts and opens the heart and frees the soul of any willing to listen.
"Listen to this music."
Can you hear it? It is the beautiful music that the Divine creates through your life and the lives of those around you.
Are you willing and able to recognize the creativity and gifts that are yours?
Are you willing to share them?
Can you fathom that your life, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is never insignificant to the Divine?
Can you feel the life-giving essence being breathed within and through you?
You are essential for the Masterpiece of your life, and of life, to be played.
Can you feel every fiber of your being alive? Can you feel the song emerging? Are you willing to join me and allow the breath of the Divine move through You so the beautiful Masterpiece you are here to be a part of can be heard, moving lives and opening hearts to greater love?
You Matter. And You have Value. and It is all about You being In Touch In Life.
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." – The Bible (Eph. 2.10)
Dearest Teres!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful insight. I have used the line from the poem as the opening quote in a book of inspired poetry that I am now writing, or
still yet, that is being written through me, with me and despite me. God bless and keep you.
Great insight