Reach Out. Make Connections.

Post Date: July 1st, 2014

Reach out. Make a Connection. You never know what might happen and whose life might be changed because of it.


Every morning on the way to work, for many years, I have seen a woman walking her dog. Regardless of whether it was raining, sunny, windy snowy, or cold, they were faithful in walking together. And through their actions was obvious how much they loved and cared about each other.


Last week, on my way to work, I noticed her walking alone. I have never spoken to her before, but was compelled to turn around and stop and speak. I introduced myself and I mentioned that I had seen her everyday walking with her dog and asked about him.


She said he had died from rat poison that had been left out by someone else. I expressed my sorrow for her. She said she was just so grateful for the years they had together, that they were good, and best friends and companions.


She also expressed gratitude for me noticing and stopping to connect. We exchanged info and I let her know she could help walk my dogs any time. She liked that idea.


Who knows what Divine Interventions are being played out…


I was reminded of my own Mari, my beloved canine, who has been more close to me in Spirit lately…God, I miss her.. And I am eternally so grateful for the years we had.



Why am I'm sharing this experience with you? Because it reminded me how valuable connections are in life. I was reminded of how important it is to Listen to your Heart. To Reach out. Make a Connection. You never know what might happen and whose life might be changed because of it.


What connections are you making in your life? Do you take advantage of the unlimited possibilities that are presented to you every day? What if you were to take a look at the quality of connections you have right now? What would you find?


Do you want more fulfilling, fun, and loving connections with others? And maybe a deeper connection with yourself? I am here to support you in nurturing and  nourishing that connection – the connection with who you really are, so you can experience the feeling of freedom that comes from connecting from the heart.


True Connection creates Freedom. Freedom creates the possibility to be who we really are and celebrate ourselves and each other from that space.


This week, we celebrate our Independence Day in the US. Take time to celebrate who you are. And make Connections from that place as you spend time with family and friends.


Do you want help in Being who you really are? In letting go of the pain that holds you back? To connect more deeply in the relationships that matter to you? Reach out. I am here to assist you in making that happen.


Yes. You Matter Own Your Value. It's all about being In Touch In Life.



Teresa Lea

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What is Your Legacy?

Post Date: June 12th, 2014


Life is So Precious – What Builds Legacies

 “Nobody sees a flower – really – it is so small it takes time – we haven't time – and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.” ~ Georgia O'Keeffe


flower bloomingLife is so precious. And relationships are important. I become more aware of that every day.  More personally so since my Dad, Melvin Carter, died last October.

Dad built so many relationships in his life. Relationships of value and meaning.  I wish I had taken even better lessons from him.

Relationships and being of service are what build Legacies. My Dad definitely built his own Legacy. He was an amazing man on many levels. His Legacy is a Legacy of his love for God expressed through service to others. Thousands of people’s lives were touched through his life and ministry.


When He died, people from all over contacted us about his influence on their lives… His outreach and his network of connection worldwide are an inspiration to me.


Here are some things I learned from my Dad's life and the building of his Legacy:

·         Dad was willing to step out of his comfort zone.

·         He did not take life for granted. He knew that every moment counted.

·         He understood that where he was and the level of service he was achieving was a direct result of leaving his comfort zone and following God's leading regardless of what friends, family and others thought.

·         He knew what it meant to take a truthful inventory of His life.

·         He took Action on Faith based on where he wanted to be and how he wanted to impact the lives of others.


I asked him one time what was the reason behind his success and willingness to take action fearlessly, (even if occasionally cautiously). His answer:



"Every day when I first wake up my prayer is: Father God. Help me to be of service to others through You today, Help me have the eyes to see those who are in need and to see their needs. Help me to have the ears to hear what I need to hear from them and You so I know how to meet those needs in service. Help me have the words to speak that honor You and help to bring comfort, wisdom or joy. Help me to have the hands to touch, to heal, and serve in a way that honors You. And help me have the heart to meet others where they are at, that is always true and open to Your leading."


That is now my request of the Divine every morning. And to be of service using the gifts God's given me.


I now use these precious life lessons that my father has passed along to me to make my own legacy in this world by helping others to heal deeply and reconnect to themselves and others in ways they may have never even imagined possible before. It is from this place that I see so many lives transform everyday as they fully embrace their personal power.

Your Joy is essential. My Dad exemplified joy in his life. His Legacy created so much joy for the people he connected with. Many lives are better because of him.


Are you joyful? Are your relationships the way you desire them to be? Are you taking account of all of life's gifts and lessons that are right before your eyes?


I am so grateful that I have been able to help so many people reconnect with their joy, to break their painful cycles of burnout, anger and powerlessness so that they too can touch others lives with joy. If this article resonates with you, please share it with a friend. And reach out. Together we'll discover what kind of joyful legacy you're here to leave.


Yes. You Matter and You have Value. Build Your Personal Legacy. Be fully alive and In Touch In Life.


Teresa Lea

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How to Build Meaningful Relationships Online

Post Date: May 20th, 2014

An important part of enjoying a healthy, happy, and prosperous lifestyle lies in your ability to build and sustain important relationships in your life– relationships with not only your family and friends, but also with those you are meant here to help – and those who are here to help you!



So how do you build relationships with those you don’t even know yet.. especially if you don’t even know where to find them?

If you are reading this then you have already experienced the power of the internet (Afterall, how else would you be reading this?), but to be honest I’m not a big computer wiz myself. So when I was given the opportunity to interview Canada’s #1 LinkedIn Expert (one of the leading social media sites used to make important connections), you better believe I took her up on her offer.


Today, I have the great pleasure of sharing with you my interview with Melonie Dodaro, founder of Top Dog Social Media as I host her on on DAY 2 of her Virtual Blog Tour. She is celebrating her newest book launch during the tour:  The LinkedIn Code: Unlock the Largest Online Business Social Network to Get Leads, Prospects & Clients for B2B, Professional Services and Sales & Marketing Pros. That book will be celebrating its official launch on Tuesday June 3rd, 2014.

Below is my interview with Melonie where I asked her about finding connections and building relationships on LinkedIn.


TERESA: What is the best way to find the connections they are looking for and how would they build relationships with those prospects?

MELONIE: The best way to find your ideal clients on LinkedIn is to either use the Advanced Search feature or to join LinkedIn groups full of your ideal clients. The advanced search allows you to combine keywords with a number of fields such as Location, Title and Company to narrow down your search results and create a very targeted list.

There are over 2.1 million LinkedIn Groups, some of those are full of your ideal clients. By finding and joining the groups of your ideal clients, you can not only get a list of its members but you also have the ability to message members for free and begin to build relationships with them.

Before you can build relationships with your ideal clients you must first connect with them by sending a personalized connection request. Once you are connected you can start to build a relationship with them by sending them one or two messages that offer them something of value. Your goal is to start a conversation.


TERESA: Once we have built the relationship, would you please tell us the best way to move the conversation offline and why we would want to do that?

MELONIE: Once you have sent your relationship building messages, (and ideally started a conversation) you can send them a message that asks them to take the relationship offline with a quick Skype meeting, phone call or in-person meeting.

The reason that you want to move the relationship offline is that no relationship can move forward and progress if it is kept on LinkedIn. In order to make a sale, you must move the relationship off LinkedIn.

TERESA: Could share with us golden nugget (or more) about Social selling and howto leverage it?

MELONIE: Social Selling is NOT a gimmick or quick way to make a sale. It is a process to build relationships with your prospects that requires consistency and time.

It is your preparation and consistency that are the true secret weapons to social selling.

Take the time to learn as much about your prospects as you can. It is the attention to the small details that can make a big difference in your attempt to connect and build a relationship. Also, by being consistent in your lead generation and relationship building efforts, you will see the largest return and be able to create an even more efficient and effective strategy.


Want to learn more about the basics of LinkedIn? Then check out Melonie's interview with Eric Van de Want's blog at where he asked Melonie about how to use and engage LinkedIn groups effectively and how to make a creative profile on LinkedIn.

And if you are still hungry to learn more about how you can begin racking in new connections and building new relationships then I encourage you to check our her on her FREE 3-Day Tele-summit:

Cracking the Social Media Code:
The Masters Speak!
Register FREE at

Here's Melonie's stellar guest line up (in order of appearance):

  • MELONIE DODARO – Founder Top Dog Social Media, LinkedIn and social selling expert, author of The LinkedIn Code
  • LYNN SERAFINN (co-host)Founder 7 Graces Project CIC, marketer, coach, author of The 7 Graces of Marketing, Tweep-e-licious
  • JASON MILLER – LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, corporate marketing manager for many companies
  • JOEL COMM – Entrepreneur, NY Times bestselling author, new media innovator
  • EKATERINA WALTER – CMO of Branderati, speaker, author of Think Like Zuck, co-author of The Power of Visual Storytelling
  • MICHAEL STELZNER – Founder/CEO of Social Media Examiner, host Social Media Marketing podcast, author of Launch, Writing White Papers and others
  • JOHN JANTSCH – Marketing consultant, business strategist, Founder Duct Tape Marketing, author of Duct Tape Marketing and others
  • PATTY FARMER – Marketing and social media strategist, speaker, trainer, radio host and author
  • KIM GARST – CEO of 'Boom! Social', social media marketing strategist, entrepreneur, speaker, author
  • ALLISON MASLAN – CEO of "Blast Off", business mentor, entrepreneur, author of Blast Off!
  • JILL ROWLEY – Marketing expert, social selling 'evangelist', entrepreneur

Over those 3 days, Melonie and her guests will share their top tips on:

·       Building Your Personal Brand

·       Building Your Online Community

·       Monetizing Social Media

Again, you can register FREE at

If you cannot make the live broadcast, register anyway so you can listen to audio replays.

THEN, when you buy The LinkedIn Code during its official Amazon launch, you’ll receive dozens of valuable free gifts from Melonie and her friends and colleagues. You can CLICK HERE to find out more about the book, and these free gifts.

Thanks for reading! Please do share your comments and thoughts below. I love reading your feedback.

Be sure to follow Melonie tomorrow on the next stop of her Virtual Blog Tour, when she’ll be visiting Charly Leetham at, where they'll be talking about 'best practice' when adding connections.

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How Do You “Mother” Yourself?

Post Date: May 12th, 2014

How well do you know your mother? And what has she meant to you?


Mothers are not always the people who birthed us. They are the ones who loved us, passed on their wisdom, who had some part of our raising. Sometimes the experiences are great and others not as much. We get to choose what we draw from each experience.


For me, I had an African Nanny, and many other women adults who played the role of Mother for me while growing up, and still today as an adult.  


This article is a tribute to my biological mother.


There is much of my Mom that is a mystery to me. But there are some things that she taught me without realizing it.


As missionaries in Africa, my parents chose to send us to boarding school. This was not always easy for us, or her. I realize, now, she taught me the value of doing whatever was necessary to fulfill your calling in life even when things get hard. Her complete belief, passion, and faith for her calling have been an example I have recalled on many occasions when it felt like I’d lost my own.


Without knowing it, her example taught me to somehow find a way to be brave and have courage no matter what life threw my way; to have a foundation of fortitude; to never let go of my faith.


Her decisions taught me independence and to consider the whole picture before making a decision.


Through her actions my Mom showed me what it meant to hold a Vision of a better world. She showed me how even the smallest contribution can make a big difference.


Thank you, Mom for your unwavering faith and consistent prayers for me.


What has your "Mother" meant to you? What are the things that she taught you? How do you Mother today as a result of your own Mothering? How do you "Mother" yourself? I'd love to hear your stories.


Feel free to share them with me by commenting below. 


How you were "mothered" often determines how you are able to care for and "mother" yourself in healthy ways. It influences your ability to show up for who you really are and to show up fully for you best life possible..


How can you celebrate yourself and your mothers?


You Matter and You have Value. Being the best Mother to Yourself allows you to be fully alive and In Touch In Life.


Teresa Lea, BA NCLMBT # 1804



If you found this of value and want to find out more about Teresa Lea and her work, go to  or call 336-623-9138

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Why Do You Wear Sunglasses

Post Date: April 24th, 2014

 "Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them…" ~ Rabindranath Tagore


Why do you wear sunglasses?


Strange question. I know. But one that surfaced for me recently while as I quickly put my sunglasses on. I was riding in the back of the car. All the windows were tinted. I wasn’t wearing them for the sun's glare.


In that moment my heart was feeling broken. Tears were welling up in my eyes and I did not want my fellow travelers to see.



I was taken back to other times in the past that I have used sunglasses to hide behind.


To hide the  bruises from being beaten. To hide the emptiness I was feeling. To keep myself from catching another person's eyes. To hide the despair that was left me suicidal. To hide the tears of rage, pain, grief, loss… and even lost hope. You name it. Even to hide the terror that stopped me in my tracks. I thought if I could just hide my eyes – the windows to my soul – that no one would see me and I could just disappear …incognito.


Of course that did not happen.


Even as a child I would use sunglasses to hide behind. When I  was alone I would take them off and look up at the sun, welcoming the sunshine into my body, willing it to burn away the pain that wracked it. Willing it to bring new life back to the areas that were numb from survival.- a body that was either numb or wracked with pain.


Somehow the sun was part of my survival, part of my hope. At the time I did not realize that it was my way of bringing to the light what needed to be seen and what needed to be healed.


Nature was my refuge. It was my safe place. It was the only place I felt like I had a right to exist. It was where I felt at home. It was just the elements: creatures, trees, earth and me. I felt  held there and welcomed. I fit in nature. And I did not mind being looked at in the eyes by the creatures of the jungle and forest. They understood me.


When it came to humans I rarely wanted to make eye contact – afraid of what I might be "inviting". And more afraid of what they might see. The rage, bitterness, anxiety, fear, powerlessness, shame… Afraid, too, of what I might see – disapproval, hate, indifference, cruelty, control, rage, disgust, contempt, self righteousness…


Eyes truly are the window to the soul.


As I have grown, so has my belief in my right to live a deeply fulfilling life. I have also been learning to trust myself. I have learned the healing power of allowing myself to be seen. To look into another's eyes. To be seen for who I am…. Really. And allowing for what I am feeling in the moment to be seen as well.


I have learned how to look with compassion and curiosity and receptivity. The same qualities that allow for true connection, belonging and love.


I am learning that being seen regardless of what I am feeling is powerful and it can allow for deeper connection, understanding, and healing (both with myself as well as with the other person).


I don't have to be that "perfect", non-feeling person anymore. I can be the person who feels deeply and know that there is perfection in just feeling – whatever it is. Being willing to experience that depth of feeling allows me to access heights of joy and ecstasy. All because I allow myself to feel.


When you hide your feelings, you store them away in your body. When these feelings stay hidden,  they become stories that resurface as pain and disease in all areas of your life, your relationships and your body. I know. I have been there.


I now use my experiences to guide my clients to unveil and heal the hidden stories in their bodies.


Because the body always reveals what we try to conceal. Always. By awakening the body and feeling through it, you can access feelings in a way that are empowering and life giving. But as long as you are hiding, your joy will be hidden too. I know. I have been there.


Sunglasses, for me, are now usually to stop glare when needed. And sometimes still to hide. But not nearly as often.


What do you hide yourself behind? Maybe it's not sunglasses. It might be your image or clothes. Your job or career. Your kids. Being on the stage. Your Illness. Your "Busyness".


I can help you unveil what you are hiding behind so you can let your light Shine. It’s a brave and powerful journey. I am here to support you and share with you, as I continue down the road myself.  It is my commitment to myself and to you to be seen.


Are you ready to let yourself be seen? Reach out if you are ready to really be seen for who you are, to embrace what you really feel, and to drop the sunglasses. It’s brighter on the other side. Give me a Call at (336)-623-9138 or email me at 




Life. It's all about Me. And You. And it's about taking off the sunglasses and filters that keep you hiding and keep you from fully being In Touch with your body and your feelings and being fully In Touch In Life.





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6 Steps to Spring Cleaning Your Mind

Post Date: April 15th, 2014


What if you could spring clean your mind just like you do your home? What if you could get rid of the debris that keeps swirling around in your mind from the past that keeps popping up and throwing you off balance?



Here are 6 steps to de-clutter your mind and your surroundings


Step 1: Know What You Want to Change

Set a goal for what you want to clean. Ask yourself why you feel the need to hang on to whatever that “stuff” is. Ask yourself “how do I want this to look instead?” and map out an action plan to get it done.


Just like physical stuff, we often tend to hang onto old patterns of thoughts, habits and dramas. Exploring how to change these internal habits are essential to creating more happiness in your life. If you stay caught up in old ways of thinking you cannot make space for things to change in your life. Be willing to forgive yourself for getting rid of old things. Give yourself permission to be happy.


Step 2: Get Rid of It!


Give away items you've not used. Create 4 categories:

·         Throw it out

·         Recycle It

·         Give It Away

·         Keep It


Then get the first 3 out right away so it does not linger in your space to be recollected.


Just like in your physical space, the more you toss away old beliefs, thoughts and drama that no longer have purpose, the easier you can get to the bottom of what is needed to move you towards healing, clarity or creating a change in your life.


Here are some simple ways to start:

·         Clean up you self talk

·         Remember your value

·         Organize your thoughts from this place


By not letting go of old patterns, thoughts, and judgments you keep recreating what you DON'T want. You deserve to live in a clean and organized environment physically mentally and emotionally.When you search through the dust and debris of your beliefs and thoughts you can then begin to determine what is really true for you, what is borrowed from someone else, and what needs to stay or go to create the life and health you want.


Step 3: Scrub Away the Debris


Now clean up what you have left and find out if it still fits into the look of the space you are trying to create. Ask someone to help you if you need to. Put some great music on if it helps keep you motivated.


Spring clean beliefs about yourself and your world to see if they fit into the life and health you are ready to create now. Ask yourself

·         Are the beliefs you have about yourself making you a happier and healthier person?

·         Are they helping to create and sustain the relationships you are committed to having now?


The more old beliefs that you remove from your inner space, the more energy is there for you to create something new.


Step 4: Ask for Help


Why struggle doing things on your own when you can be supported by those who have been there and done that? Get help by asking a professional or someone you trust to support you in cleaning out the old beliefs and creating new thoughts Looking at the old stuff can sometimes be difficult but is essential to letting it go for good.


Remember, Emotional spring cleaning can be fun! It can remind you of what you love and be the catalyst for you to bring those things that bring you joy back into your life: for example, music, dancing, art, reading a good book, animals, etc…  Remembering what you once loved creates room to experience joy more fully. And it can give you permission to take time to celebrate your own beauty.


Step 5: Organize Your Environment


Have a place for everything. Compliment your newly cleaned and clear space with items that bring you joy so you want to keep it that way. Set daily and weekly tasks and reminders to keep things clear.


Balance your emotional needs by caring about yourself and taking steps for self care to keep from being emotionally and mentally drained later on. Get support to keep you on track.


Step 6: Celebrate your goals and Yourself


Enjoy the work you have done. Take delight in it. And commit to keeping it up


Reward yourself and remember that you are valuable and important and deserve to have what you want.


Spring cleaning of your mind and house every season helps keep you on track. It is about getting rid of what no longer fits you and making space for the things that do.


If you're wanting support in making the Mind Trash go away, please give me call at 336-623-9138 or email me at to see how I can support you. And check out my You Tube video on Take Out the Trash at


In the words of Mary Oliver, the poet, "Doesn't everything die at last and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"


Remember it's all about You. And it's about Being In Touch In Life.


Teresa Lea, BA NCLMBT # 1804


To find out more visit 

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Is There Really a “Reason for Everything?”

Post Date: February 26th, 2014

"Make no apologies for pursuing your greatest life. Take ownership of your life, and make it a conscious choice to align your words, feelings, and actions to make your dream a reality. Life is calling you up higher. Continue to stretch yourself and rise to the occasion. Develop the mindset that this is your time, and good things are supposed to happen to you. Stay encouraged. Your belief in yourself is more important than what anyone else thinks. Live a big dream! You deserve it!"

~ Les Brown




They say that "there is a reason for everything". I'm not sure I believe that anymore.


There is NO "reason" for abuse, cruelty, shaming, or blaming of any sort – regardless of whether it is self directed or directed towards another person, organization, corporation or being of any sorts. There isn't ever even a "reason" for illness or disease.


I do, however, believe there is a cause for everything. And I do believe that we make "reason" and meaning out of our experiences in order to heal and move forward in our lives. It is how we find better ways for Living and Being.


Knowing the difference is really importance. Let me give you an example to show you what I mean.


The cause of many illnesses can be traced back to our habits (most commonly diet, exercise,  how we take care of ourselves, and even our thoughts and belief systems).

  But because we don’t want to take full responsibility for how we have created these situations, we often create “reasons” for why things have happened. These reasons can take the form of blame such as blaming our jobs for taking up too much time to exercise.


Or we can create empowering reasons for why something has happened, reasons that can propel us forward.


For example, one of my client’s child died a week after it was born. The cause of the death was organ failure, but that didn’t provide reason and meaning for her. So she could have stayed in pain and anger, but instead, through our work together, she was able to address her own grief and anger. And she made the decision to see the situation as a reason to become a coach and help others move through their own grief after losing a child.


In both cases the reasoning is what can bring us either pain, or understanding and peace to accept what has happened and move on.


So when you look at your experiences take a close look at your reasoning. Are the “reasons” you make up blaming others and covering up the real causes? Is your reasoning solution-oriented?


In the end, regardless of what has happened and “WHY” it's happened, YOU still have the power to influence what happens next with your decisions and actions. It is your response that then influences and Causes the next outcome you experience.


Be-Cause: Just the nature of the word let's you know there is something that is Be-ing the Cause of your life experience.


So the next time you find yourself saying..

“This is happening because…”  just think about the word really: Be-Cause.. and Ask  Yourself:

How are YOU "Being" the "Cause" of what is happening?

BeCause is about Self Responsibility. What are you "Being" the "Cause" for?


Be real now. Are you thinking this is for somebody else? Not You?


Gratitude, Appreciation, Success, Joy and Being Solution Oriented help you "Be-The-Cause" of the outcomes you want.


I've put together a short audio that includes a meditation on how you can Be-the-Cause you want to be in your life and in your health.


It’s my free gift to you.


To get it, Just go to:


It's all about You and your Be-Cause. And It's all about Being In Touch In Life.


If you know are ready to move forward and create empowering outcomes in your health and life please contact me at or 336-623-9138.



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Do You Love Yourself?

Post Date: February 11th, 2014

31 Days to Loving Yourself More Deeply

Love Actually… It's one of my favorite movies… It always reminds me of the many different kinds of love and acts of love that often don't get acknowledged or noticed.


I say this because the last 8-10 weeks have held a lot of challenges and transitions for me in the form of computer and technology systems crashing, family illness, the death of family and friends, not meeting deadlines as committed to due to miscommunication, not receiving communication due to the crashes or the above mentioned. STRESS!!!


And when things go haywire I seem to let myself be put last... Do you do that? If so… then you may not be loving yourself. And in order to give love you have to be able to receive love and love yourself fully.


SO my question to you is… Do you really love yourself? Answer these questions to see if you do.


Do you find yourself:

·         Comparing yourself to others?

·         Over-giving and overworking?

·         Taking responsibility for others … feeling guilty?

·         Staying in unhealthy relationships?

·         Hating your body?

·         Trying to fit into someone else's idea of perfection?


Would you rather:

·         Acknowledge yourself for how beautiful, brilliant and enough you are?

·         Choose to take care of yourself first? and Give Yourself permission to play more?

·         Choose to only have respectful and loving relationships?

·         Love every part of yourself? Even the "imperfect" parts?

·         Allow yourself to be who you really are?

·         Go for what your heart and soul desires, no matter what?


If you answered YES to any of these questions, and want to explore ways to Love Yourself  More I have prepared a list of ways to do that. I did this because most of us get that loving ourselves would be a good idea but most of us have no idea how to actually give ourselves love in the moments we need it most.  BE YOUR BEST FRIEND FIRST and give yourself PERMISSION to do for yourself what you would easily do for another. 


To get your free 31 Days of Loving Yourself guideline that my clients have told me is priceless to them just visit 


It is my way of saying thank you to you for being a part of my life.

And practice doing what I do daily. I have remind myself: Surrender, Surrender, Surrender. Trust that all will come together. I Celebrate the Love that is shown to me in all of the myriad and mysterious ways that it shows up and meet each day with Gratitude. For it is Gratitude that always sustains me and reminds me that Love Actually IS… 


You Matter and You Have Value and It's All About Being In Touch In Life


Teresa Lea

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Trusting More

Post Date: January 31st, 2014


Do you ever just want to be able to trust more?

Trust that things are actually unfolding as they should?

Trust that what you are here to do and accomplish will be made manifest to yourself and to the ones you are here to serve?


I know that I do. I know that there are so many more people for me to help and I wonder:



·         How can I ever be of service to the depth I know deep in my gut is possible?

·         How will they know to reach out?

·         How will I say YES to that which is unfolding and ripening within me to serve in greater ways?

·         How will I use each day as a gift to show up with what the Divine has in store for me?

·         And how do I move out of fear completely and into love only?


Any time there is fear there is a lack of Trust: Trust that you are being the best partner, spouse, parent, teacher, friend, coach, healer, leader, etc that you are meant to be. Having Trust takes courage and is about surrendering and having faith.




I know that when I am feeling connected to Spirit in Faith then fears vanish and Trust and Love set in. And that's where life gets juicy. The cycle of the moon, and especially the New Moon seems to always remind me of how the cycles of life were set in place to spur on and encourage growth towards greater Trust and Love.


Well, Tonight is the New Moon. And it feels like a sacred time in more ways than one for me.

SO in honor of it enjoy this poem by Rosemary Partridge… 

Holy Spirit
I trust in you and in me
For our timing together
In the world of form
My creative talents ripening
To fullness
In the season.

Burn away my self-doubt
And as the ashes settle 
Compost them
Into my soil of love.

I have patience 
Within the darkness of this soil
I water with devotion
The seeds of my talent
In Your Name

The power
That moves the planets
Is invisible yet real
I call upon this power
To circulate me
Into my most elegant orbit.

And so it is


You Matter & You Have Value, And it's all about being In Touch In Life.

Teresa Lea

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10 Steps To A Deeper Commitment

Post Date: January 28th, 2014

Are You Really Willing to Commit to Yourself & Your Dreams?  

January is the time that we often make Resolutions around our lives and our health. But this is what often happens…

At first that is a surge of excitement and determination. We start eating well and exercising every day.  Then our ambition wanes and we fall back into our old habit and patterns. Does this sound familiar? Have you ever wondered why this seems to happen over and over again?


Well, changing our old habits isn't always easy, and more than likely, unless you work with a professional to guide you to these changes, you may be missing some crucial steps that can make your resolution a success. Below are what I believes to be the 10 key steps to fully commiting to yourself and your dreams.


Step 1:

Ask yourself, Do I REALLY want to change this habit, pattern, or behavior? Or am I just feeling obligated? If your heart is not truly in it then it is likely that you won't stick with it.



Step 2:

Be clear on WHY you want to change your habit, pattern or behavior. Knowing your WHY, and being connected to it, keeps you focused in moving forward. And remind yourself often WHY it is important to you.



Step 3:

 Make sure to set goals that are realistic and that you can implement into your lifestyle in a way that will work for you. This helps to set yourself up for success.



Step 4:

 Set very SPECIFIC goals and outline the steps you need to do in order to achieve your goals. Make sure that they are broken down into measurable steps. This will help to reinforce your success whenever you are feeling discouraged.



Step 5:

Get out of Perfection mode when it comes to making changes! If you are in perfection mode, you will want to quit early on. But also don't give yourself too much leeway so as not to fall back into old habits.



Step 6:

Plan and prepare for ways to get you back on track when you feel like falling back into your old patterns. Having this kind of plan helps to avoid backsliding, while also acknowledging that you won’t always be perfect.



Step 7:

View the change you want to make as a gift to yourself. And remind yourself often that you deserve what you want and that it is possible.



Step 8:

Have a Success Journal that you write in every day and write about how you have contributed towards your goals and what results you are beginning to see from these choices. This creates evidence that your work is paying off when you want to give up.



Step 9:

Most importantly, ask yourself: "Am I Interested? Or am I committed?"



Step 10:

Get support and help from your peers, an accountability partner, and/or a professional.



Commitment requires action that is measurable. Being interested does not. Where in your life have you been interested but really want to be committed? Your health? Your relationships? Your business? Your playtime?


In my mission to support you in your commitment, I am offering you a FREE GIFT to support you in meeting your goals: 3 complimentary pre-recorded distance healing sessions (valued at $375). Just


If you are ready to commit to yourself and your dreams, then please give me a call at 336-623-9138 or email me at to have a conversation on how I can support you.


You and Your Choices Matter. And You Have Value!  And It takes moving from being Interested to instead being Committed to yourself to show up and be fully In Touch In Life.



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