Honest Conversations about Our Body Battles

Post Date: October 22nd, 2014

You may or may not know my story about how I used to have daily body battles. What does that mean? 


I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror without critiquing something or thinking that I needed to “fix” this or “improve” that. I even found myself hiding my body in a myriad of ways because of the shame and judgment I held against myself for not being a certain way.


If someone had told me that I could completely and fully love my body for the way it was, I would not have believed them.


But coming from someone who has been there (yours truly) I can tell you that it really is possible to end the madness of constantly fighting with your body. 



Can you imagine how powerful it would be to fully love and accept your body without it having to meet any “expectations?”



A few weeks ago, I was having a conversation with my friend Darlene Downing. She shared her own personal struggle with her body. This included years of beating herself up in the illusionary quest for perfection with her body. After many years of deep depression, even becoming close to suicide, she realized just how many men and women struggle with the very same issues. 


As I listened to her tell her story, I realized how similar it was to mine. That's why it warmed my heart to hear that she made it her mission to share with others how to overcome their own body battles.


I was really excited when Darlene asked me to be a guest speaker for the Empowered Embodiment Revolution.

And I said Yes! 


I'm excited because all of the speakers who are going to be there are going to get REAL. They will be openly shed light on their own experiences and share “out-of-the-box” strategies  and practical advice from their personal journeys.



I am sharing this FREE resource with you because I strongly believe that it is time to begin having these real, honest conversations about all of our body battles.


Please check it out HERE. The best part is, is that it is completely free (and the recordings will be available for 48 hours after each interview). 


My interview with Darlene will be on November 5th.  I'm sharing how hidden stored anger disconnects us from our bodies, and how addressing this anger allows you to take your power back, access the wisdom of your body, and live a deeply enriching, authentic life. When you sign up, she will send you all the details to check it out as well. You can register for this FREE event HERE


I hope you will join me! And please pass this along to anyone who you know will benefit. 


You matter. You have value. It's all about you being connected to your body. It's all about being In Touch in Life. 


Teresa Lea 

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