How Do You “Mother” Yourself?

Post Date: May 12th, 2014

How well do you know your mother? And what has she meant to you?


Mothers are not always the people who birthed us. They are the ones who loved us, passed on their wisdom, who had some part of our raising. Sometimes the experiences are great and others not as much. We get to choose what we draw from each experience.


For me, I had an African Nanny, and many other women adults who played the role of Mother for me while growing up, and still today as an adult.  


This article is a tribute to my biological mother.


There is much of my Mom that is a mystery to me. But there are some things that she taught me without realizing it.


As missionaries in Africa, my parents chose to send us to boarding school. This was not always easy for us, or her. I realize, now, she taught me the value of doing whatever was necessary to fulfill your calling in life even when things get hard. Her complete belief, passion, and faith for her calling have been an example I have recalled on many occasions when it felt like I’d lost my own.


Without knowing it, her example taught me to somehow find a way to be brave and have courage no matter what life threw my way; to have a foundation of fortitude; to never let go of my faith.


Her decisions taught me independence and to consider the whole picture before making a decision.


Through her actions my Mom showed me what it meant to hold a Vision of a better world. She showed me how even the smallest contribution can make a big difference.


Thank you, Mom for your unwavering faith and consistent prayers for me.


What has your "Mother" meant to you? What are the things that she taught you? How do you Mother today as a result of your own Mothering? How do you "Mother" yourself? I'd love to hear your stories.


Feel free to share them with me by commenting below. 


How you were "mothered" often determines how you are able to care for and "mother" yourself in healthy ways. It influences your ability to show up for who you really are and to show up fully for you best life possible..


How can you celebrate yourself and your mothers?


You Matter and You have Value. Being the best Mother to Yourself allows you to be fully alive and In Touch In Life.


Teresa Lea, BA NCLMBT # 1804



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