I’m Grateful For My Body

Post Date: October 22nd, 2014

Today I decide to be grateful for my body. This is a big step for me because there was a time when I hated my body. I could only look at it or think about it, all of it, with judgment or shame. Today is different.


I do a body scan… What feels the easiest? My hands. I am grateful for my hands. They allow me to feel the softness of my cat’s fur as I pet her. And as I gently lay my hands on her side I feel the reassurance of her breath that lets me know she is alive and well. My ears hear her gentle purr as she senses me. So I guess I am grateful for my ears too. My eyes soften as I see her coat of white, checkered from the nose to across her back and tail, with pastel peach and light grey. 


She quietly opens her eyes, looks at me with complete trust, and love, then closes them gently. I’m grateful that I have my eyes to observe her in this quiet serene space. A space I am learning to be more at home in. And for this I give thanks.



What would it take for you to be at home in your body? To love it fully?



If you struggle with fully loving and accepting all parts of you- including your body, I invite you to join me for a really powerful, complimentary online series called “Empowered Embodiment Revolution.”


When the host, Darlene Downing asked me to be a speaker in this series, I felt really touched, because the message of the summit resonated with me so deeply.



I just loved the idea of powerful women leaders coming together to share their wisdom on how to live in harmony with your body so that it supports you in all that you desire.I really highly suggest checking it out HERE. I will be sending you a few more emails than usual to share with you some of my favorite things from the series, because I do believe it is really that important.  


I hope you take the time to enjoy this unique, complimentary resource while it is still available: http://spiritsnmotion.com/empoweredteresa.






If you want to mark your calendar for my talk, I will be speaking onNovember 5th about how anger disconnects you from the wisdom of your body, and how to break your hidden cycles of anger.

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