Trusting More
Do you ever just want to be able to trust more?
Trust that things are actually unfolding as they should?
Trust that what you are here to do and accomplish will be made manifest to yourself and to the ones you are here to serve?
I know that I do. I know that there are so many more people for me to help and I wonder:
· How can I ever be of service to the depth I know deep in my gut is possible?
· How will they know to reach out?
· How will I say YES to that which is unfolding and ripening within me to serve in greater ways?
· How will I use each day as a gift to show up with what the Divine has in store for me?
· And how do I move out of fear completely and into love only?
Any time there is fear there is a lack of Trust: Trust that you are being the best partner, spouse, parent, teacher, friend, coach, healer, leader, etc that you are meant to be. Having Trust takes courage and is about surrendering and having faith.
I know that when I am feeling connected to Spirit in Faith then fears vanish and Trust and Love set in. And that's where life gets juicy. The cycle of the moon, and especially the New Moon seems to always remind me of how the cycles of life were set in place to spur on and encourage growth towards greater Trust and Love.
Well, Tonight is the New Moon. And it feels like a sacred time in more ways than one for me.
SO in honor of it enjoy this poem by Rosemary Partridge…
Holy Spirit
I trust in you and in me
For our timing together
In the world of form
My creative talents ripening
To fullness
In the season.
Burn away my self-doubt
And as the ashes settle
Compost them
Into my soil of love.
I have patience
Within the darkness of this soil
I water with devotion
The seeds of my talent
In Your Name
The power
That moves the planets
Is invisible yet real
I call upon this power
To circulate me
Into my most elegant orbit.
And so it is
You Matter & You Have Value, And it's all about being In Touch In Life.
Teresa Lea
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10 Steps To A Deeper Commitment
Are You Really Willing to Commit to Yourself & Your Dreams?
January is the time that we often make Resolutions around our lives and our health. But this is what often happens…
At first that is a surge of excitement and determination. We start eating well and exercising every day. Then our ambition wanes and we fall back into our old habit and patterns. Does this sound familiar? Have you ever wondered why this seems to happen over and over again?
Well, changing our old habits isn't always easy, and more than likely, unless you work with a professional to guide you to these changes, you may be missing some crucial steps that can make your resolution a success. Below are what I believes to be the 10 key steps to fully commiting to yourself and your dreams.
Step 1:
Ask yourself, Do I REALLY want to change this habit, pattern, or behavior? Or am I just feeling obligated? If your heart is not truly in it then it is likely that you won't stick with it.
Step 2:
Be clear on WHY you want to change your habit, pattern or behavior. Knowing your WHY, and being connected to it, keeps you focused in moving forward. And remind yourself often WHY it is important to you.
Step 3:
Make sure to set goals that are realistic and that you can implement into your lifestyle in a way that will work for you. This helps to set yourself up for success.
Step 4:
Set very SPECIFIC goals and outline the steps you need to do in order to achieve your goals. Make sure that they are broken down into measurable steps. This will help to reinforce your success whenever you are feeling discouraged.
Step 5:
Get out of Perfection mode when it comes to making changes! If you are in perfection mode, you will want to quit early on. But also don't give yourself too much leeway so as not to fall back into old habits.
Step 6:
Plan and prepare for ways to get you back on track when you feel like falling back into your old patterns. Having this kind of plan helps to avoid backsliding, while also acknowledging that you won’t always be perfect.
Step 7:
View the change you want to make as a gift to yourself. And remind yourself often that you deserve what you want and that it is possible.
Step 8:
Have a Success Journal that you write in every day and write about how you have contributed towards your goals and what results you are beginning to see from these choices. This creates evidence that your work is paying off when you want to give up.
Step 9:
Most importantly, ask yourself: "Am I Interested? Or am I committed?"
Step 10:
Get support and help from your peers, an accountability partner, and/or a professional.
Commitment requires action that is measurable. Being interested does not. Where in your life have you been interested but really want to be committed? Your health? Your relationships? Your business? Your playtime?
In my mission to support you in your commitment, I am offering you a FREE GIFT to support you in meeting your goals: 3 complimentary pre-recorded distance healing sessions (valued at $375). Just
If you are ready to commit to yourself and your dreams, then please give me a call at 336-623-9138 or email me at to have a conversation on how I can support you.
You and Your Choices Matter. And You Have Value! And It takes moving from being Interested to instead being Committed to yourself to show up and be fully In Touch In Life.
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My Wish For You This Holiday Season
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A Hole In the Flute, Christ’s Breath, & a Masterpiece
I was reminded today of a short poem called, The Christ's Breath by Hafiz. It simply says:
"I am a hole in a flute
that the Christ's breath moves through-
listen to this music."
The first time I read this poem, I was taken by it. Hafiz does not talk about the craftsmanship, design or make of the flute. Just a flute. I have often seen myself as a common instrument, not unlike this flute, through which Christ's love and peace can breathe. With those words, I sensed a deeper intimacy and interconnectedness of the feeling of what it means, Christ flowing through me – and through me – as a channel.
But today, the day that honors the birth of Christ, when I heard this, I was struck even more deeply. As just a hole, I am an empty space, a place of darkness, seemingly insignificant. Yet without this hole, there would be no music. For it is through the hole that the breath of the Divine, the Master moves, not just the instrument itself. And music cannot be made without it. The hole is required and needed for the Master to make beautiful music.
Flutes have multiple holes. Each hole in the flute creates a different note as the Breath moves through. This creates the music. We are each as different holes in the flute. As the intimate Breath of the Divine is moved through us then music is made. I am just a part of this whole…through which my individual note matters in the whole piece of music that is being created. As does yours…
Hafiz poignantly wraps up this poem by saying, "listen to this music." Not "listen to my music" but "this music" – the Music of the Divine, of the Master, of the breath of Christ – Music that melts and opens the heart and frees the soul of any willing to listen.
"Listen to this music."
Can you hear it? It is the beautiful music that the Divine creates through your life and the lives of those around you.
Are you willing and able to recognize the creativity and gifts that are yours?
Are you willing to share them?
Can you fathom that your life, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is never insignificant to the Divine?
Can you feel the life-giving essence being breathed within and through you?
You are essential for the Masterpiece of your life, and of life, to be played.
Can you feel every fiber of your being alive? Can you feel the song emerging? Are you willing to join me and allow the breath of the Divine move through You so the beautiful Masterpiece you are here to be a part of can be heard, moving lives and opening hearts to greater love?
You Matter. And You have Value. and It is all about You being In Touch In Life.
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." – The Bible (Eph. 2.10)
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Addressing The Holiday Stress.. By Saying YES to Yourself..
In a few short weeks, the in-laws are coming to visit and you’re in charge of organizing the big family dinner and what seems like a hundred other tasks.
While Thanksgiving is all about gratitude, it can be hard to feel grateful when there seems like so much pressure and responsibilities surrounding you at every turn.
But what can you do, that’s just part of the holiday season right? Well, consider this: how we deal with holiday stress is simply a mirror of how we deal with everything else in our lives. So when you are feeling overwhelmed with the pending holidays coming, how do you cope with this feeling? Do you work endless hours, perhaps neglecting yourself (like losing sleep or eating on the run because you simply “don’t have the time?”)
Trust me, working night and day doesn’t get rid of that creeping feeling of an endless to do list actually disappearing (things have a tendency to always “pop up”). I see this same story every single day with my clients with who are feeling overwhelmed, burned out and stressed (and the holidays just exaggerate these feelings!).
It really comes down to acknowledging that you are worth being taken care of and that you matter just as much.. no even more…than that your to do list.
You might be saying “you don’t understand, I can’t even think straight, I can’t stop thinking of everything I HAVE to get done!” I get it, because I’ve been there.
And I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. Telling ourselves “that’s just the way it is, I just have to deal with it” ignores the possibility of having everything we really want.. without having to sacrifice ourselves in the process (including our health, our relationships and our energy).
So ask yourself “Am I open to the possibility of things being different? Of things being easier? Of being equally (or even more productive) without draining myself?”
Because sometimes the first step is just being open to a new possibility and a new way of being, one that honors who you uniquely are.
If you find yourself hearing that voice in your head, “yes.. that’s not so bad.. I’m open to the possibility..” then I invite you to follow your curiosity and join me for a risk-free complimentary call that I am offering tomorrow:
How to Stop the Cycle of Burnout From Sucking The Life Out of You
and Revive Your Energy, Passion and Bank Account
Wednesday, November 13th
2:00 pm EST / 1:00 pm CST / 11:00 am PST
To Register Visit:
I will be talking about how you can begin to take simple steps to:
- Uncover and address the underlying fears that are driving your burnout
- Begin to experience work and play in a fun, easier way while still being productive (AND honor how important you, your health and your relationships really are!)
- Experience the joy of no longer operating from overwhelm and burnout!
****If you can’t make it live, please be sure to still register so that I can send you a copy of the recording in your email after the call.
Because You Matter and You Have Value and It’s All About Being In Touch In Life
Teresa Lea
In Touch In Life
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I Used to Be a Raging Perfectionist..
I used to be a raging perfectionist.. and I mean, I had it bad. I wanted everything to be “perfect” down to the tee: spending hours on end over every little detail!
The thing about perfectionism is that when you try to make everything “perfect all the time” then you will quickly find that you will begin to feel burned out before long, because you are spending all of your energy on making everything “just right.”
The irony of perfectionism (and the inevitable burnout that quickly follows) is that while perfectionism is fueled by an intense drive to succeed, it can be the very thing that stops us in our tracks when it comes to actually achieving our goals. Beneath perfectionism there is a host of fears: fear of failure, a fear of not being good enough and often a fear of disapproval of others.
It is these fears that MUST be addressed in order to truly break the patterns of perfectionism, “workaholism” and burnout for good.
And because I see this happen time and time again with the clients I work with every day (and I know because I’ve been there myself!) I decided to offer a call that addresses the biggest in-your-face obstacle that perfectionists are facing: burnout.
How to Stop Burnout From Sucking The Life Out of You
& Revive Your Energy, Passion & Bank Account
Wednesday, November 13th at 2:00 pm EST
(recording will be available)
To Register Visit:
I will be talking a bit about the fears that are keeping you in burnout and how this shows up in your body. The same fears that have you believing that you “have to” overwork to succeed, and that you can’t have the health, relationships AND success you want without being sacrificing your wants and needs.
So please join me on THIS WEDNESDAY for this LIVE call (there will be a fun, interactive Q&A portion at the end of the call). If you can’t make it live, that’s ok, just register above and I’ll send you a copy of the recording afterwards.
If you have already signed up for this call, and you know that you have some friends or family with "perfectionist" tendencies (and since we attract those like us, I'm guessing you do), then please pass along this email to them! Even if you can't make it live, I will still send you a recording of the call when you register.
You Matter & You Have Value. And it's All About Being In Touch In Life
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When I Hit Rock Bottom..
19 years ago, emotionally I hit rock bottom.
On the outside, I looked like I had it all: success, the lifestyle, a great relationship, friends,….but inside I felt like I was dying.
What I did not know in my mind, but that my body wisely knew, was that I was pushing myself to the edge of burnout. I was working a lot and not always taking the best care of myself. I was also not taking time for the people and things that mattered most to me.
What I didn’t realize then, was that the process of pushing myself into overdrive, was an unconscious avoidance of facing my fears – fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of not being able to fulfill my mission, fear of not getting everything done “just right.”
All these fears were actually a result of things that had happened in my history that were now showing up in my present. In my avoidance of facing my past, I put myself into burnout.
The thing about burnout is, it makes you feel like you’re all alone. Like you have to do it all yourself and you don’t have the support you need. Then three things happen:
1. When you feel isolated you tend to feel even MORE stressed out.
2. Because you are pushing yourself so hard to get everything done, when you are unable inevitably unable to complete all of the things on your endless list of to dos, then shame begins to set in.
3. And when there is shame, there is a tendency to go into more avoidance and disconnection of the body.
So in order to breakthrough the cycles of burnout, you must address these underlying issues that are propelling burnout forward in your life time and time again.
And this is so essential because so many people don’t see their body as part of the solution to changing the way they operate and experience the world.
That’s why I’m offering a complimentary resource just for you about how you can finally rid burnout for good and it’s called:
“How to Stop Burnout From Sucking The Life Out of You & Revive Your Energy, Passion and Bank Account.”
It’s a FREE tele-seminar happening on
November 12th at 3:00 pm EST
I will show you firsthand how you can stop the burnout starting NOW (and you'll have a chance to have all your questions answered AND a copy of the recording!).
To take advantage of this limited time call just visit for the details.
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I’ve Never Shared This Publically Before.. (BIG Vulnerability Moment)
22 years ago, my apartment was broken into and I was gang raped. My cat, whom I had rescued the year before, defended me by clawing at and attacking the offenders while I was being held down. Bubbles risked her own life for me. Together we healed our external wounds.
Bubbles and Mari, my dog, (whom I rescued 19 years ago), were there though out my internal healing process over the years. On the outside, I looked like I had it all: success, the lifestyle, a great relationship, friends,….but inside I felt like I was dying. What I did not know in my mind, but that my body wisely knew, was that there was more to be revealed. During the times I was suicidal, Mari and Bubbles, reminded me of what life was really about.
As memories of my childhood abuse surfaced and healed, They gave me hope and reason to live when I needed it. Their courage and example showed me how to be present and live in the NOW shamelessly.
When I was at my lowest, I used to tell my husband that the only reason I was here on this earth was because of them.
Mari taught me what it meant to "Choose Life". 3 years ago, Within 10 Minutes of me really getting it and choosing Life FULLY, instead of just from a place of survival and protection, Mari, age 18, crossed over. Bubbles taught me to never give up on myself and to keep moving forward even when I could not see my way. (Bubbles was blind the latter part of her life.)
Yesterday Bubbles, age 24 crossed over. These 2 angels were sent to me. (And in some ways, I guess I was to them too.) They helped to show me how I could help others heal from their own history of abuse.
Today, I am proud to say that because of them and God, I have been able to help thousands of people, including leaders, professionals, and entrepreneurs, be able to heal, reconnect with their joy and purpose, and show them how to break the cycle of burnout, anger and powerlessness to living life on their own terms with Joy.
If you are here for a purpose and know you need to break your own cycle, heal, and reclaim your life, please reach out. Either send me a personal message on my facebook, email me at, or call me at 336-623-9138. I will assist you and show you how.
*If you found my story to be impactful, please comment on this blog below, and share this message to those you know it could benefit.
You, and Your Mission (whatever that looks like to you) Matter. And You Have Value. And You Deserve to LIVE YOUR LIFE FULLY, In Touch In Life.
Posted in Anger, Healing, Trauma Resolution | 4 Comments »
Are you denying a part of you the right to be seen or heard?
For this blog post I want to share with you an excerpt from my Straight Talk About Anger tele-class:
When we shut down any emotion, we deny ourselves, and our bodies the right to be seen and heard.
If I am denying myself the right to feel angry or the right to feel sadness, or the right to feel joy, or the right to feel whatever it is, then I am doing to myself what was done to me long ago. Ask yourself what part of your feeling body are you denying the right to be heard or seen. Feel it. Then ask, ok – where is this really coming from?
Is it coming from the belief that children are to be seen and not heard? Or don’t cry, suck it up. All the things that we were told that taught us at an early age to shut down our ability to feel.
Our ability to feel whatever that emotion is, is directly related to our ability to experience life fully.
And when I say experience life I don’t just mean the hard parts of life, I mean the great parts of life: the passion, the creativity, the place that makes you feel fully thriving and alive. And when we allow that place within us to be heard, to be felt into, and to be expressed, then we actually allow ourselves to heal a little more, and to reclaim more of our personal power.
And every time we do that for ourselves, that is love.
When you express yourself- all parts of yourself – the anger, the grief, the sadness, the joy, the excitement, and everything in-between, then you can really feel alive. Because then you become connected to a much deeper part of yourself, you connect more deeply with others, and you can experience life in a completely different way.
To find out more about this Tele-series and my complimentary call that dive into this deeper please go to:
You Matter and You Have Value. Allowing yourself to feel your emotions, allows you to show up and be fully In Touch In Life.
Tags: anger, belief, expression, feeling body, love
Posted in Anger, Healing, Trauma Resolution | 1 Comment »
The Expressions of Fear Part 2 – Freeze or Faint
Are You Freezing or Fainting?
Yesterday I began to talk about being in the grip of fear when in survival mode. And that fear shows up in 4 ways: Flight, Fight, Freeze and Faint.
These responses from our nervous system help us deal with the unknown and are essential when used in healthy ways. However, it is common to get stuck in one of these as a way of being in avoidance. Life then gets put on hold and often becomes chaotic.
Today I will discuss the Freeze and Faint response to Fear.
Freezing is avoidance because it literally immobilizes you. There is a sense of being frozen, confused, your breathing often will almost stop and it will feel like you cannot move. If you tend to do this when feeling fear it is helpful to change positions and if possible move or stretch. Taking deep centered breathes are important as well. All these are helpful to get connected to your body and to get present.
Fainting shows up sometimes as confusion and sometimes as spaced out or just plain goofy at inappropriate times. I often hear people who do this describe it as "not being in their bodies" or lightheaded. Essentially it is a form of "spacing out" in order to avoid feeling fear. I did this in order to make light of the my deeply painful experiences as a child. It was a way to not feel or face what was really going on. Creating a physical sensation is important for Fainters to get reconnected with their bodies so that they can feel again and feel safe in feeling.
Where have you been freezing or fainting in your life? Please let me know by commenting below. I'd really like to hear.
Tags: avoidance, faint, freeze
Posted in Healing, Trauma Resolution | 1 Comment »