What Does it Mean to be Connected with Your Heart, Body & Mind?

Post Date: March 7th, 2013

To be well involves not only physical health but mental, emotional, and spiritual health.


It is about looking at yourself as a whole person and recognizing that you are a Conscious being, not just pieces and parts randomly put together.


Because you are conscious you are affected by many things.


Theis includes your personal and professional environments, the places, people and pets you come in contact with, your beliefs and attitudes, your financial situations, the food you eat, your past experiences, the worry, grief, anger, or joy you carry and so much more.


Any and ALL of these things contribute to your health and wellness. When all the systems in the body are communicating optimally the body heals itself and you experience incredible health, vitality, confidence and mental stability.


When they are NOT, you experience instability, anxiety, fear, or dis-ease (which may lead to disease).


To help establish greater communication among the systems, being in touch with, strengthening, and synchronizing your mind, your heart, and your body centers can be very beneficial.






  • As your Mind Center clears and opens, you think more clearly. Your mind becomes calmer and quieter. More and more you are free from the grip of negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs as they relate to your health and your life. Your mind is free to see exciting new possibilities and to think more “outside the box”. 


  • As your Heart Center gets stronger, your relationships are more fulfilling, more authentic, more open and enjoyable. People see and feel the positive changes in your emotions. You live from a place of heartfelt appreciation, gratitude and trust. 


  • As your Body Center gets stronger, you are more confident and self-assured. You are more effective at taking inspired action in the world. You have increased energy. Your level of health and immune response is much greater. Your energy is coherent and integrated and you manifest what you deeply desire.


It’s about recognizing you have choice – conscious choice to be connected to all parts of you- Heart, Body and Mind. It’s all about being In Touch In Life.

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When I was hit by a Truck..

Post Date: March 3rd, 2010

They say that life gives us little nudges along the way and if we don’t pay attention, we finally get hit with a Mack truck – that’s what happened to me. Literally. 

And if it hadn’t been for the incredible resilience that I had developed and integrated into my health before then, there is no telling if I would be here today.

Why am I sharing this with you? Because, without question, the number one resource we all have in life is our health. And what I mean by health is the health of the whole person: body, mind, spirit, emotions, and, yes, even soul.

In other words, really connecting each of these aspects of yourself in a way that is congruent, and truly supports your ability to live well. This means being in touch with your heart, your mind and your body. Once you do this you will find that the other things in life that are important to you, your dreams, your desires, and your aspirations, are more accessible to you. 

Can you imagine how your life would change if you were truly healthy on each of these levels, expressing who you are and doing those things that make your heart sing? Can you imagine the difference to your relationships, creative life, your vitality, your strength, and your self-esteem?

We often take our health for granted until something happens that makes us realize how valuable it truly is. My gratitude for my own health -my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health- has deepened immensely in the face of my experience, and I know as in all experiences lies the opportunity for deeper learning and realization.


I invite you to reflect on how important is your health to you.. really, and what does that really mean for you in your life? What wake-up calls may you have experienced that re-awoke you to the presence of your body and the need to refocus your attention on your health? 

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