The Expressions of Fear Part 2 – Freeze or Faint
Are You Freezing or Fainting?
Yesterday I began to talk about being in the grip of fear when in survival mode. And that fear shows up in 4 ways: Flight, Fight, Freeze and Faint.
These responses from our nervous system help us deal with the unknown and are essential when used in healthy ways. However, it is common to get stuck in one of these as a way of being in avoidance. Life then gets put on hold and often becomes chaotic.
Today I will discuss the Freeze and Faint response to Fear.
Freezing is avoidance because it literally immobilizes you. There is a sense of being frozen, confused, your breathing often will almost stop and it will feel like you cannot move. If you tend to do this when feeling fear it is helpful to change positions and if possible move or stretch. Taking deep centered breathes are important as well. All these are helpful to get connected to your body and to get present.
Fainting shows up sometimes as confusion and sometimes as spaced out or just plain goofy at inappropriate times. I often hear people who do this describe it as "not being in their bodies" or lightheaded. Essentially it is a form of "spacing out" in order to avoid feeling fear. I did this in order to make light of the my deeply painful experiences as a child. It was a way to not feel or face what was really going on. Creating a physical sensation is important for Fainters to get reconnected with their bodies so that they can feel again and feel safe in feeling.
Where have you been freezing or fainting in your life? Please let me know by commenting below. I'd really like to hear.
Tags: avoidance, faint, freeze
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