War or Kindness?
I was working with a client the other day and when she began sharing how much her life had changed as a result of our work together I found myself minimizing my part in it. It is my belief that I don't heal anyone. I DO, however, facilitate setting up all aspects of your BodyMindSpirit to be balanced in a way that healing can happen on all levels.
She kept insisting I take credit. As I thought about this later I had a realization. I was afraid that by taking credit that I would be disempowering her right and ability to heal herself. As I dug deeper, I then realized that by NOT allowing myself to be recognized and honored in that situation I was actually disempowering myself and dishonoring the gifts that I bring to facilitate deep healing and changes in the lives of the people I serve. Hmmmm…
Bear with me just a little bit more, please. My curiosity got me to explore further and what emerged was that there was a deeper belief that led me to realize I was afraid. Afraid that if I did take credit in any way that others would expect me to be responsible for their healing and wholeness. And if miracles did not happen for them then they would blame me.
I know this all sounds crazy. And, truthfully, it is crazy making. But I do have a point here. Any time that crazy making is happening in a way that manifests as fear, or judgment is the same as making war with yourself. Kindness towards yourself, instead is about owning your gifts and value and self respect. It's about being willing to be seen and heard and allowing others to be responsible for themselves by being responsible for yourself.
Do you spend the day being at war with yourself or being kind to yourself?
Please let me know by commenting below. I'd really like to hear.
You and Your Choices Matter. And You Have Value! And being kind to, instead of at war with yourself, allows you to show up and be fully In Touch In Life.
Tags: empowering, fear, healing, self respect, self value
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