Trusting More

Post Date: January 31st, 2014


Do you ever just want to be able to trust more?

Trust that things are actually unfolding as they should?

Trust that what you are here to do and accomplish will be made manifest to yourself and to the ones you are here to serve?


I know that I do. I know that there are so many more people for me to help and I wonder:



·         How can I ever be of service to the depth I know deep in my gut is possible?

·         How will they know to reach out?

·         How will I say YES to that which is unfolding and ripening within me to serve in greater ways?

·         How will I use each day as a gift to show up with what the Divine has in store for me?

·         And how do I move out of fear completely and into love only?


Any time there is fear there is a lack of Trust: Trust that you are being the best partner, spouse, parent, teacher, friend, coach, healer, leader, etc that you are meant to be. Having Trust takes courage and is about surrendering and having faith.




I know that when I am feeling connected to Spirit in Faith then fears vanish and Trust and Love set in. And that's where life gets juicy. The cycle of the moon, and especially the New Moon seems to always remind me of how the cycles of life were set in place to spur on and encourage growth towards greater Trust and Love.


Well, Tonight is the New Moon. And it feels like a sacred time in more ways than one for me.

SO in honor of it enjoy this poem by Rosemary Partridge… 

Holy Spirit
I trust in you and in me
For our timing together
In the world of form
My creative talents ripening
To fullness
In the season.

Burn away my self-doubt
And as the ashes settle 
Compost them
Into my soil of love.

I have patience 
Within the darkness of this soil
I water with devotion
The seeds of my talent
In Your Name

The power
That moves the planets
Is invisible yet real
I call upon this power
To circulate me
Into my most elegant orbit.

And so it is


You Matter & You Have Value, And it's all about being In Touch In Life.

Teresa Lea

2 responses to “Trusting More”

  1. Sherry says:

    Thank you Teresa Lea. I needed that!
    It's all about our oneness isn't it?  Our oneness with each other and with divine Love.  
    "Anytime there is fear there is a lack of trust."  Boy, is that a statement.  And "perfect Love casts out fear." is the remedy.
    An" elegant orbit", what a delightful thought.  Thanks for Rosemary's poem.
          Celebrating your growth in trust,

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