What is Your Legacy?
Life is So Precious – What Builds Legacies
“Nobody sees a flower – really – it is so small it takes time – we haven't time – and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.” ~ Georgia O'Keeffe
Life is so precious. And relationships are important. I become more aware of that every day. More personally so since my Dad, Melvin Carter, died last October.
Dad built so many relationships in his life. Relationships of value and meaning. I wish I had taken even better lessons from him.
Relationships and being of service are what build Legacies. My Dad definitely built his own Legacy. He was an amazing man on many levels. His Legacy is a Legacy of his love for God expressed through service to others. Thousands of people’s lives were touched through his life and ministry.
When He died, people from all over contacted us about his influence on their lives… His outreach and his network of connection worldwide are an inspiration to me.
Here are some things I learned from my Dad's life and the building of his Legacy:
· Dad was willing to step out of his comfort zone.
· He did not take life for granted. He knew that every moment counted.
· He understood that where he was and the level of service he was achieving was a direct result of leaving his comfort zone and following God's leading regardless of what friends, family and others thought.
· He knew what it meant to take a truthful inventory of His life.
· He took Action on Faith based on where he wanted to be and how he wanted to impact the lives of others.
I asked him one time what was the reason behind his success and willingness to take action fearlessly, (even if occasionally cautiously). His answer:
"Every day when I first wake up my prayer is: Father God. Help me to be of service to others through You today, Help me have the eyes to see those who are in need and to see their needs. Help me to have the ears to hear what I need to hear from them and You so I know how to meet those needs in service. Help me have the words to speak that honor You and help to bring comfort, wisdom or joy. Help me to have the hands to touch, to heal, and serve in a way that honors You. And help me have the heart to meet others where they are at, that is always true and open to Your leading."
That is now my request of the Divine every morning. And to be of service using the gifts God's given me.
I now use these precious life lessons that my father has passed along to me to make my own legacy in this world by helping others to heal deeply and reconnect to themselves and others in ways they may have never even imagined possible before. It is from this place that I see so many lives transform everyday as they fully embrace their personal power.
Your Joy is essential. My Dad exemplified joy in his life. His Legacy created so much joy for the people he connected with. Many lives are better because of him.
Are you joyful? Are your relationships the way you desire them to be? Are you taking account of all of life's gifts and lessons that are right before your eyes?
I am so grateful that I have been able to help so many people reconnect with their joy, to break their painful cycles of burnout, anger and powerlessness so that they too can touch others lives with joy. If this article resonates with you, please share it with a friend. And reach out. Together we'll discover what kind of joyful legacy you're here to leave.
Yes. You Matter and You have Value. Build Your Personal Legacy. Be fully alive and In Touch In Life.
Teresa Lea
Tags: father, legacy, relationships