Are you a high-achiever who is passionate about your mission and is ready to stop sacrificing your health and well-being on your way to achieving your big goals?
I Get it. I’ve been there.
You love what you do, so you don’t stop working even when it’s way past quitting time. You started your work because you were passionate about the gifts you have to offer the world.
You find yourself simply exhausted from burning the candle at both ends and it’s taking a serious toll on your body, your relationships, your health and your business.
Does this sound like you?
And as time goes you you realize…
You are determined to fully live out your purpose and make a difference in the world. But somehow, just “working through” burnout just isn’t working!
Are You Ready For a New Way? You Can…
Now is your chance to join Body & Burnout Expert Teresa Lea
in her selective 4 Month Program "Breakthrough Burnout for Good"
Designed Especially for Burned Out Entrepreneurs Who Are Ready to Stop The Replay Button on the Burnout Cycle and Claim Their Life Back!
I Already Know I'm Ready I Need to Get out of Burnout Fast!
I'm Ready to Fill Out My Application for the Breakthrough Burnout Program
This doesn't have to be your life anymore.
All you have to do is fill out the risk-free application HERE.
**There is no obligation when you submit an application. Once you've filled it out, you will have the chance to chat with me personally to see if the program is the perfect fit for you. *But don't wait.. because I am only accepting 12 candidates into this personalized program.. and 2 spots are already taken!
If you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to Contact Me
*The first 5 people to enroll will receive an additional 90 minute private healing session with Teresa ($265 Value)
*The first 10 people to enroll will also receive The Straight Talk About Anger Series ($497 Value)
Don't Risk Missing Out On These Bonuses, Apply Now!