Congratulations! You've taken one step forward to break through burnout

We are devoted to YOU, your health and your success. We uphold the highest reputation for dedication to our clients by providing you with ongoing support, resources and the tools that you need to be successful.


In order for you to get the most out of what we have to offer, we encourage you to maintain an open-mind, a strong sense of dedication to yourself, and a commitment to really changing your life for the better.


In our 15+ years of experience we have found that the clients who achieve the fastest and longest lasting results are those who:


  •     Take responsibility for themselves and their decisions
  •     Consistently follow through with recommendations during and after our work together
  •     Accept ongoing support that produces long-term success
  •    Are willing to put in the work to achieve their desired results



I am 100% confident that you will be satisfied with my work. If you are called to work with me, it is my commitment to get where you want to be.  

Please fill out the form below to submit your application. Teresa will review your application and if it looks like a good fit we will schedule a conversation with you.

Please know that your privacy is our top priority and everything that you share with us is completely confidential.


**Use the scroll bar on the right hand side of the application to review the remaining portions of the application.