Therapies & Services

Together we offer you:

  • Various forms of massage therapy
  • Strategies for wellness
  • Self care techniques
  • Therapeutic music
  • Personal Introspection
  • Yoga
  • Natural products for optimal health: vitamins/minerals, herbals, skin care, protein bars and drinks. Everything you get and need to stay healthy.


These will help you experience relief from:

  • Physical pain
  • Injury
  • Postural Imbalance
  • Trauma
  • Mental and emotional stress
  • Depression
  • Touch depravation


In addition, you may also experience more:

  • Relaxation
  • Flexibility
  • Rejuvenation
  • Well Being
  • Self-Empowerment
  • Satisfaction
  • Pleasure
  • Peace


Examples of Therapies and Services offered:

Aromatherapy: Use of essential oils extracted from plants and flowers to heal. Promotes proper body functioning and enhances massage's therapeutic and uplifting benefits.


CranioSacral Therapy: Gentle technique for finding and correcting cerebral and spinal blockages. Mentally energizing as well as relaxing. For those who prefer no deep touching. Wonderful for headaches, trauma, and balancing the nervous system.


Energy Work: Use of gentle touch, direct pressure, rocking and shaking movements, and focused visualization to restore energetic balance to the mind and body. Balances and amplifies an individual's flow of energy on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes. (Examples of therapies used: Polarity Therapy, Reiki, and Trager.)


Mind/Body (Somatic) Therapies : Use of integrative therapies to understand the way the mind and body interact and interrelate with each other. Facilitates a more complete form of healing through understanding and working with the source of a dysfunction as well as the symptom.


Movement Awareness/ReEducation : Used to reeducate the body/mind. Facilitates awareness, appropriate posture, ease of movement, and optimum health. Aims to restore and optimize a full range of human function. Involves gentle movements.


Myofascial Release Therapy : Use of long, stretching strokes to restore balance to the body by releasing tension in the fascia and muscles. Effective in relieving pain and improving function.


NeuroMuscular Therapy: Highly effective system for eliminating pain caused by muscular injuries, regardless of when the injury occurred. Utilizes specific massage therapy, stretching, and home care to eliminate the causes of most neuromuscular pain patterns. Brings balance between the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system as well as enhances the functions of joints, muscles, and movement. Often conducted in a series of sessions.


Orthopedic Massage: Used for treating pain or injuries caused by dysfunction in the locomotor tissues.


Polarity Therapy: Use of gentle touch, direct pressure, and rocking and shaking movements to restore energetic balance to the mind and body, balancing and amplifying an individual's flow of energy. Induces deep relaxation. May include counseling on diet and nutrition, exercise, and referred psychological counseling.


Reflexology: Massage of the feet, hands, and/or ears. Stimulates corresponding areas of the body. Improves circulation, increases relaxation and eases pain. Very effective with stress related disorders as well as emotional disorders.


Reiki: An energetic healing practice that utilizes hands-on touch and focused visualization. Balances and amplifies energy on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes.


Shiatsu and Oriental Accupressure: Pressure applied to specific points on the body (may range from gently to deep.) Restores energetic balance to the body, mind, and spirit by building up areas of deficient energy or dispersing areas of excess energy.


Structural Integrative Work: Restructures the body  through manipulating the body's myofascial system. Improves postural imbalances, allowing for more efficient functioning (physically, mentally, and emotionally) in everyday life. Often conducted in a  series of sessions.


Therapeutic Touch: Directed towards rebalancing the human energy field that surrounds and penetrates the human body. Supports an individual's own powers for self-healing.


Trigger Point Therapy: For specified physiological complaints. Applied concentrated pressure to painful irritated areas in muscles to break cycles of spasm and pain.